5 tiny lion cubs follow mom hunt in wild at the Serengeti! (Video)
Grumpy lioness, unhappy she has to bring up 5 cubs. Hope the little ones make it.
Grumpy lioness, unhappy she has to bring up 5 cubs. Hope the little ones make it.
Dad looks like he had just got back from a tough fight and won!
The adorable 9 cubs thirsty drinking with their mother taking care and so amazing spotting this cute wild animals ever
Omg I was literally laughing out loud when the mommy lion smacked the daddy for sleeping when he was supposed
Lionesses keep their cubs away from the pride until they’re about 6 weeks old. The cubs have to be big
I love their little cheeps! They look healthy and happy. Great job, Mama
The Assiniboine Park Zoo is currently home to a stunning and adorable newborn snow leopard. This precious addition to the
The Jaguars are beautiful. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this project.
The birth of charming and fluffy jaguar cubs has brought joy to Tenerife Zoo. These adorable creatures have captured the
One of the most significant challenges facing lions in Africa is the presence of various obstacles that hinder their survival