74-Yr-Old Richard Gere Has A Wife Half His Age -

74-Yr-Old Richard Gere Has A Wife Half His Age

Richard Gere is known for his acting but in recent years, he is also known for being the husband of a wife half his age, Alejandra Silva. Gere is 74 years old and his wife is 41.

One would think that a marriage such as this would be problematic but recently on the red carpet, they were showing affection for each other. They look good together, with him in a black tuxedo and her in a long black dress with pink flowers.

Some people were struck by the display of affection they showed but others couldn’t help but focus on the age gap between the two of them. Some people were skeptical when they left comments on the situation and others said that there was some discomfort associated with the gap.

Despite the fact that there were some who were not happy with the separation between the two of them, there were others who were quite fond of the fact that they were together and seemed to be genuinely enjoying each other’s company.

In the end, it really is up to them to decide whether this type of union is going to work out or not. We wish them all the best and hope they are able to enjoy many more years together.

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